A website has SSL Is CloudFlare Compatible?

Yes, a website with SSL is compatible with Cloudflare. Cloudflare is a Content Delivery Network (CDN) and security service that offers various SSL options to ensure a secure connection between your website and its visitors. When using Cloudflare with an SSL-enabled website, you can choose from several SSL settings:

  • Off (not recommended): Disables SSL and serves your website over HTTP.
  • Flexible: SSL is enabled between the visitor and Cloudflare, but not between Cloudflare and your origin server. This is useful if your origin server doesn't have an SSL certificate.
  • Full: SSL is enabled between both the visitor and Cloudflare, and between Cloudflare and your origin server. Your origin server must have an SSL certificate, but it doesn't need to be valid.
  • Full (strict): SSL is enabled between both the visitor and Cloudflare, and between Cloudflare and your origin server. Your origin server must have a valid SSL certificate issued by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA).

To ensure the best security and avoid any "too many redirects" errors, it is recommended to use either the "Full" or "Full (strict)" SSL setting in Cloudflare when your website already has an SSL certificate.

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