cPanel server management

cPanel Server Management Plan

Service Description Free Plan $49/mo. Plan $149/mo. Plan
Complimentary migration from any Plesk, DirectAdmin, or Ensim server to a cPanel server
Monitoring services with notification options via text or email (activatable within UnderHost)
Round-the-clock Phone, Chat, and Ticket Support
Guaranteed network uptime and hardware replacement SLA
Hardware fault diagnosis and swift replacement services
Comprehensive network intrusion surveillance
Remote system and manual server reboots
Regular manual OS reloads (up to 4 per month)
No-cost cPanel to cPanel migration services from a single source (Minimum 3 months of managed services required)
Priority support ticket escalation to the top of the queue
KernelCare's proactive, bootless OS security updates and patches
Continuous monitoring of services and hardware on our dedicated NOC displays
Immediate reactive measures in the event of service or hardware failure
Automated alerts for new service discoveries
Enhanced security through LAMP stack hardening and ongoing security audits
Initial setup of WHM/cPanel based on client specifications (excludes individual account creation or third-party app installations)
Configuration of ConfigServer Firewall (CSF)
Implementation of Brute Force Detection via cpHulk
Setup of RKhunter and CHkrootkit with alert configurations sent to customer emails
Maldet for proactive malware scanning
Access to nearly 400 one-click installable applications via Softaculous
Mod_security installation with a basic rule set from Comodo
Server performance tuning by disabling non-essential services and users
Installation of freely available ConfigServer scripts as requested
RAID configuration and monitoring
Assistance with data recovery from your cPanel backups or through our Rapid Restore service
On-demand installation of Atop/MyTop/MultiTail/ConfigServer File Manager and Mail Queue Manager
Two hours per month of dedicated technical support for all aspects except coding
Custom configuration adjustments upon request (e.g., Apache, Nginx, php)
Support for Nginx configurations and optimizations
Upcoming enhancements for virus and spam protection features
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